Get to know nature

forge a connection with our wild feathered friends

Learn about wild birds

Birds are magical creatures that bring so much joy to our yards and lives. Getting to know more about them can enrich your connection to these flying wonders. Do your birds migrate? What does their song sound like? What was that mystery bird that you just spotted in your bird bath?

I offer several free bird identification and general bird knowledge classes a month via Zoom. Recordings of the classes can be found on my Patreon page:!

Email me at to schedule walks or talks!

Coming Soon!

See what I offer

Beginner  bird ID classes

In-depth bird family ID classes

Virtual presentations for groups

Guided bird walks at the Ventura Settling Ponds


I have loved birds since I was Frank the Bird Kid. I would spend hours sketching the birds in my grandmother’s field guide and then hours more watching the birds visit her feeders. It was always so rewarding to identify the birds, much to my grandmother’s delight.

My passion for birds has led me to serve on the board for two of the local Audubon chapters here in Ventura. I’ve also opened a Wild Birds Unlimited store here as well. I really do talk about birds all day long!

Since Covid, I have been presenting about various bird topics to online audiences almost weekly. Thousands of people from around the globe have tuned in to learn about the birds they were seeing in their backyards.

Frank the Bird Guy is where I’ll have my presentations available for viewing, offer talks for organizations interested in hosting me, schedule birding tours, and whatever other bird related ideas occur to me!

Who wants to learn about birds?

Coming Soon!